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Who’s in Your Social Atom? @ Mesa Community College / Fiesta Fountains
Oct 23 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Sociometry is concerned with the quantity and quality of relationships and how they affect individuals and groups. In her presentation Dr. Archer will provide opportunity for personal exploration of your relationships and their influences.

Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies Workshop @ Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies
Aug 17 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

The Collective Wisdom of Addicts: Utilizing Psychodrama to Harness Resources for Recovery – A full-day workshop using action methods in working with clients with substance and process addictions.

This is one of the many spectacular sessions offered at the 46th Annual Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies. A great way to get your continuing education in the splendor of the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson.

Adena Bank Lees, LCSW, LISAC, BCETS, CP, is an adjunct faculty member of the Arizona Psychodrama Institute and a leading expert in childhood sexual abuse treatment. As a sought after speaker and consultant, Adena has presented to and trained hundreds of mental health and allied professionals across the globe on sexual abuse and its relation to substance/process addictions, dissociation and eating disorders.

Dr. Marlo Archer, CP, PAT, is a co-founder of the Arizona Psychodrama Institute, a licensed psychologist, a Practitioner Applicant for Trainer in psychodrama, and the 2013 recipient of the Zerka T. Moreno Award. Psychodrama students may receive up to 160 of their training hours from a PAT. Marlo Archer is an approved provider for NAADAC & NBCC

Offered as Written Feedback to Marlo from Southwestern School Presentation August, 2012:


“I will use these tools in my clinical practice”

“Liked getting into groups – learned a lot!”

“Marlo brought a fresh & clear presentation & reminder to be intentional as a counselor to
evaluate and consider strengths and encourage the client to construct clear plans and the
power of decision. Fun group activity.”

Chaff from the Grain @ Mountain View Presbyterian Church
Jan 23 @ 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Put the chaff aside and identify the key words in the therapy office more easily using Psychodramatic Methods to help you focus on your client’s process and patterns easily and quickly.

Debra Suskin Gion, LPC, CP; API Co-Founder; has been a counselor in private practice, psychodramatist, and trainer for over 29 years. She brings her appreciation of both the 45 minute therapy session and the focused psychodrama methodology to her work. She is now in private practice in Maricopa, Arizona.


Feedback about one of Deb’s former workshops:
“The workshops are well thought out and the modeling by the instructors is terrific. The instructors were honest, open and wonderfully real. Training is hands on and help is always nearby when needed. Mistakes are considered and treated as learning opportunities. Marlo and Debbie were ‘in the moment’ and highly respectful of the trainees while they directed and did their own work. I loved it and give it my highest recommendation!” – Alan A., Phoenix.

Ethically Sound Experiential Interventions for Trauma and Self-Injury @ Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies
Aug 23 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Ethically Sound Experiential Interventions for Trauma and Self-Injury – A full-day workshop using action methods in working with clients with self-injurious behaviors.

This is one of the many spectacular sessions offered at the 47th Annual Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies. A great way to get your continuing education in the splendor of the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson.

Adena Bank Lees, LCSW, LISAC, BCETS, CP, is an adjunct faculty member of the Arizona Psychodrama Institute and a leading expert in childhood sexual abuse treatment. As a sought after speaker and consultant, Adena has presented to and trained hundreds of mental health and allied professionals across the globe on sexual abuse and its relation to substance/process addictions, dissociation and eating disorders.

Dr. Marlo Archer, CP, PAT, is a co-founder of the Arizona Psychodrama Institute, a licensed psychologist, a Practitioner Applicant for Trainer in psychodrama, and the 2013 recipient of the Zerka T. Moreno Award. Psychodrama students may receive up to 160 of their training hours from a PAT. Marlo Archer is an approved provider for NAADAC & NBCC

Feedback about Psychodrama 1:1 (November & December, 2012)

“Adena & Marlo do a fantastic job of making learning fun and memorable. Their workshop not only provided me with valuable new techniques I can use with my clients; they gave me a chance to connect with others in a meaningful way and EXPERIENCE first hand the power of psychodrama!” – Karen Olson, Tucson

Feedback about Cultural Competency & Diversity and Ethics in Action (January, 2015)

“Great way to present ethics & cultural diversity – more interesting & fun than any other class I’ve ever taken” – Roberta J. Zatkowsky, LAC, MSC, MS

Smartphones in Sessions: Transform Intrusion to Engagement @ Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies
Aug 22 @ 1:30 pm – 5:15 pm

Smartphones in Sessions: Transform Intrusion to Engagement (Part 1 & Part 2) – A full-day workshop using action methods in working with clients and their use of smart phones.

Explore, in action, situations that arise in sessions related to client use of smartphones (e.g., taking a call, texting, checking social media, showing photos or texts to the therapist). You’ll learn psychodramatic interventions to transform intrusions into engagement without taking on a shaming parental role. You’ll also have a safe place to process your own responses to smartphones and clients’ use of them in sessions. Limited to 30 participants.

This is one of the many spectacular sessions offered at the 48th Annual Southwestern School for Behavioral Health Studies. A great way to get your continuing education in the splendor of the Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson.

Adena Bank Lees, LCSW, LISAC, BCETS, CP, is an adjunct faculty member of the Arizona Psychodrama Institute and a leading expert in childhood sexual abuse treatment. As a sought after speaker and consultant, Adena has presented to and trained hundreds of mental health and allied professionals across the globe on sexual abuse and its relation to substance/process addictions, dissociation and eating disorders.

Dr. Marlo Archer, TEP, is a co-founder of the Arizona Psychodrama Institute, a psychodrama Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner, and the 2013 recipient of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama’s Zerka T. Moreno Award. She is additionally a licensed psychologist in private practice in Tempe, AZ.

Offered as Written Feedback to Marlo from Southwestern School Presentation August, 2012:


“I will use these tools in my clinical practice”

“Liked getting into groups – learned a lot!”

“Marlo brought a fresh & clear presentation & reminder to be intentional as a counselor to
evaluate and consider strengths and encourage the client to construct clear plans and the
power of decision. Fun group activity.”

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